the thaw


Thursday, October 26



on friday the 27th of october women around the globe will take to the streets, insisting on our right to live without fear of sexual harassment and physical abuse. marches will reclaim pubic spaces, and affirm our right to walk unhindered through the darkness of night.

beginning at town hall (6pm) we'll march on the streets to hyde park where a HUGE concert will celebrate all that is great about women! we'll (the thaw) be there making noise, as will circus wow, emma & nay and a whole lot of other rad females. food not bombs will have delish tucker! there's going to be stalls of info and greatness!

together we will stand with the 32 000 women who seek refuge from domestic violence each year in our nation and demand that ALL are entitled receive shelter, not just the half funding currently allows for. we will assert our right to walk alone at night, wearing whatever we please and speaking to whomever we chose. we will celebrate the resilience of women, the strength of the survivors of violent attacks, and the courage of those who speak out against the perpetuation of attitudes condoning violence against women.

the women’s movement will not be silenced. the female sex shall not become the silent majority trampled underfoot. the rampant use of force against women in our society makes us all feel uncomfortable. there may be no definitive answer to stopping violence against women, but it is certain that there are a myriad of strategies we can use to combat it if the support is forthcoming.

in australia, one in five women will be sexually assaulted at some stage in their life, with one in three experiencing physical abuse. the majority of these women are familiar with their attacker. it is time we stood together and spoke out.

please join us on friday.

xxx kat thaw

Wednesday, October 25

big deal

magic dirt were our fave band in highschool.
their music was dark and noisy. scary. empowering. they kicked our asses.
they made me wanna drown myself in noise and scream about all my demons.
we are playing with magic dirt at the annandale next saturday.
this is fucking mind-blowing.

here's deets, motherfuckers:

* magic dirt (worship) / gersey (sorry about perth...) / the thaw (lying in a gutter)
* annandale hotel
* $18 (actually it'll be a little more than that cos they insist on charging a "booking fee" ie using this as another excuse to extort money. but $22 on the door - you can save 50cents by pre buying hahahaha or sneak in for free!!!!!)

* animal lib stall !!!
* we play 8.30, so don't be one of those fuckers that turns up at 9 and goes "aww did i miss your set? damn!" unless of course, you really do wanna miss our set. but other ppl: don't be lame.

xoxo steph

ps: everyone's gotta wear name tags cos we're bad with names and so are you. we won't let memory deficits impede social progress - there will be stickers and a marker near our music desk (we don't sell merch! ahaha) so you can participate more fully in our democratic community of everlasting love.

Wednesday, October 11

brain melt / heart melt

i don't know where to begin... our triangle tour was so fucking cool...
i can only obsessively list... and poorly recount:

great people & moments:
* virgin male air hostess being all "hi"/*lean over* combo bend-at-the-waist arse vibe

* clouds

* somehow attracting an old asian lady to our tafe talk+show, then making her very scared during our set

* the guy in a KMFDM shirt dancing to okioki (cute nintendo pop trio)

* being billed as "three rock chicks" on the chalk board outside perth's hydey hotel. might explain the worrying number of crusty old dudes in attendance. one guy said to kat "are you the girl that was outside telling my friend to come to the show? because he said he was so bewildered by your beauty that he had to come" hahhahha

* conveniently failing to ask people if they were at the hydey to see the holly throsby/gersey show in the other room or our show. taking their money anyway. telling everyone else that they were welcome back when they got sick of gersey. not even knowing who gersey are really. telling them that they'd regret not staying in our side of the pub.

* hannibal lecture entry stamps hahaha. everyone asking "is it supposed to be me?" wtf?! you sick sick people!

* not wearing pants. feeling awesome. progression of our naked society

* everyone laughing at me when we were in paws (people and animal welfare society) because i wanted to buy a whole box of their chocolate, then getting the last laugh when everyone realised they wanted in.

* paul. pex. love love love!!!

* cindy posting kat's shorts home from perth (brain lesions!!) - they arrived in sydney before we did!

* dan young nuts dancing on a table trying to get ppl to buy our dvd by saying that there was "girl-on-girl action" on it

* our increasing boganess was becoming sorely apparent on tour. i remarked that kat seemed to be the most bogan out of all of us and challenged her to boganise the most unbogan things i could think of. the results:
- rwanda = "wando"
- sudan = "sudo"
- bangladesh = "bangers" (blonde liz from ass squad later told us that that's what ppl call bangkok so it's "bango" now)

* getting a call from dean magic dirt. yes. annandale 28th oct. containing myself. have a plan for babycakes instrumental making it onto their setlist. (ahhahahha!! man, it's dean's fav too! - kath) (i know!!!! fuck!!! - steph)

* getting a ruins reference. and a zorn reference. hahahah!!!! wtf?! still brilliant!!!

* jem firewitch being my new parallel universe twin. not worrying about feminimity issues.

* trying not to sleep. ever. failing at the last minute and conceding to a few crappy hours.

* dan wise, dan young nuts, tarkwand. dave, bene, matt, craig. love love!!!

* matt, liz and liz ass, other ass dude (so bad with names), burga, jem, irene lingerie crew, everyone that came to our shows, everyone that came up and talked to us and hung out, all of the slayful motherfuckers we played with. thankyou it was so fucking cool.

photos soon...

feeling bittersweet,
xoxox steph

ps: i never want to wear pants again. society is so repressive.

pps: i got my replacement sim. i don't know anyone's numbers! yall gotsa email/sms me ur didgets.

ppps: did we mention magic dirt!?!??! xxx kat thaw

*background squealing noises*

Thursday, October 5

waves festival for timor


there's this awesome festival on THIS WEEKEND that i organised to raise money for a community radio station in timor-leste (formerly east timor). so many ace bands, fine vegan food, amazing artworks for sale and of course, grand company. but in typical fashion we forgot to plug it here. thaw-ness is occurring sunday arvo but you should attend both days!

Waves - Sounds for Timor

@ The Pitz, 11 Faversham Street, Marrickville

Saturday October 7th (7pm - 12am)

Bug Girl (Wollongong)

Pure Evil Trio

Brand Disloyalty

Pay Colour

Happy Go Hate Fuck

Boys Club

Unaustralians (Melbourne)

Sunday October 8th (3pm - 8pm)


the thaw

Pigman Vampire (Lismore)

Dead Farmers

Eucalypt Band


All ages welcome.

Donation entry: $10

more hot faceless fotos (thx to will for takin these) :

Monday, October 2


WA and VIC were sooo fucking brilliant, you do not understand!

we met so many lovely beautiful people!!!

i am completely emotionally wasted...

we need to invent teleportation machines.

that's all for now. i'm devastated.

crying myself to sleep (haha),
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo steph

ps: i left my mobile somewhere in melbourne. probably in that park... send me msgs in a few days time when i get my new sim card (same number). meanwhile, write me at "minimumwageintellectual at gmail dot com" if youse want. my brain is exploding! fuck fuck fuck

note: i am also emotionally destroyed. thanks to the masses of wonderful / inspiring / amazing / rad kids that we meet during the week, and the friends who popped along. and anyone who helped us or came to shows or bought stuff. we love youse all.

for the first time in my life i can find no words. except that i've only been home 3 hours and whack shit is already going down (eg the alp is attempting to change it's policy to support more uranium mines). as always, ranting will ensue xxx kat